266216 Leedon Heights
Statistics for postal code 266216 in Leedon Heights
- Geographical Coordinates: Latitude 1.3131, Longitude 103.802
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Nearby Postal codes:
Postal codes within 0.3 km:
278553 Holland Road
266214 Leedon Heights
266215 Leedon Heights
268821 Farrer Road
266228 Leedon Heights
268817 Farrer Road
268823 Farrer Road
266219 Leedon Heights
269641 Cornwall Gardens
269678 Cornwall Gardens
266218 Leedon Heights
278543 Holland Road
267938 Leedon Heights
268819 Farrer Road
278547 Holland Road
278555 Holland Road
269632 Cornwall Gardens
267857 Leedon Road
266220 Leedon Heights
267859 Leedon Road
267860 Leedon Road
278551 Holland Road
267951 Leedon Heights
268818 Farrer Road
278535 Holland Road
269639 Cornwall Gardens
269637 Cornwall Gardens
269675 Cornwall Gardens
267950 Leedon Heights
269635 Cornwall Gardens
269634 Cornwall Gardens
267858 Leedon Road
267952 Leedon Heights
267949 Leedon Heights
269640 Cornwall Gardens
269633 Cornwall Gardens
269642 Cornwall Gardens
268820 Farrer Road
267948 Leedon Heights
269644 Cornwall Gardens
267947 Leedon Heights
267856 Leedon Road
269643 Cornwall Gardens
268825 Farrer Road
267953 Leedon Heights
278544 Holland Road
267946 Leedon Heights
269655 Cornwall Gardens
278550 Holland Road
278541 Holland Road
267945 Leedon Heights
278546 Holland Road
278548 Holland Road
278552 Holland Road
278554 Holland Road
267944 Leedon Heights
266226 Leedon Heights
269645 Cornwall Gardens
278563 Holland Road
258875 Holland Road